Day 53 - Roba Mia
Fuji Ektar 100
Fujifilm XT-1
Fujinon XF-23 f/1.4
Siamo di rientro dal barbecue dove abbiamo collaudato le nostre due nuove sedie da camping ultra comode. Ma... come mai questo titolo che ricorda il Verga? Segreto della vita in Compound....
Here we are coming back from the BBQ where we tested our new super-comfortable camping chairs . But...what's that title that reminds of a Giovanni Verga's novel? It's a secret of our life in a Compound...
Here we are coming back from the BBQ where we tested our new super-comfortable camping chairs . But...what's that title that reminds of a Giovanni Verga's novel? It's a secret of our life in a Compound...
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