giovedì 18 aprile 2013

Vincere il Tempo

Beat the Time - Vincere il Tempo

B&W Preset
Canon 5D III

'Beat the Time' is the title of an art exhibition held in Bergamo during April 2013. The title was chosen to celebrate those art merchants that allowed the humanity to actually 'beat the time' by preserving important masterpieces.
Wandering through the streets of Bergamo and later that day, of Milan, many other ways to beat the time were disclosed to my eyes.

Beat the Time...running

Beat the Time  Relaxing

Keep the Rithm

Keep the Rithm 2

High Tech

Prepare yourself

Stand Still against the Time

Through the Finish Line

Support Those Through The Finish Line

Envy Those Through the Finish Line

Taking a Break
At The Bar

At The Bar - De Luxe

Spend the Time with your sons

Beat the Time with a Son

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